Programs to Support Children in Indonesia

Supplementary Feeding Centers

We provide meals for children who attend schools in remote areas in Indonesia 3 times per week to improve their nutrition status. These children usually go to school without having breakfast because they came from impoverished families who can't afford meals everyday.

By donating $1,000/month you can support a feeding center that provide meals THREE TIMES a week for 100 to 200 children.

Subsidy Teachers Program

Many remote areas in Indonesia have no available teachers that willing to teach school-age children because lack of infrastructures. With this program, we hire qualified teachers to provide free basic education for children in remote areas. By donating $500/month, you can help to pay these teachers salaries, so they can keep teaching these children to reach their potentials.

Life-Changing Journeys

We assist donors and volunteers who want to travel and doing charity works in Indonesia by channeling them to the correct places where their skills and talents are needed. These journeys not only change the people's life in the destination areas, but also bring insights, real-life experiences and refreshed mindset to our donors and volunteers.

man and woman standing beside concrete seawall looking at beach
man and woman standing beside concrete seawall looking at beach

Photo Gallery

Happy faces of our beneficiaries & staff in Indonesia